
Our team create gorgeous, playful, and evocative animations in 2D. We’re up for making commercials, helping film-makers with their shorts, and producing instructional training content for SMEs. If none of those suit you, get in touch and we’ll see what we can do.

Travel Agency

This travel agency wanted a flat design-slash-corporate Memphis representation of the working day. Break free from monotony and travel they say. Who are we to disagree?


Our animators were tasked with producing an animation for a new ride-hailing service a la Uber, Bolt, Kapten, etc. We think they did a pretty good job, conveying all those urgent times when you need a lift; being late for a plane, caught in the rain, and travelling with style.

Corporate Identity

In this short animation we needed to produce a bumper video that would be displayed on in-office screens as well as acting as credits for social media or other online content. We had to show the evolution of things and objects. Our client was a software company who wanted to show off aspects of polymorphism and how that related to the way they work.


We all need to be safe and secure nowadays, our friendly animation style adds an element of fun to what is in reality a serious subject. This video was used on social media to encourage people to act in a hygienic manner.

Corporate Bank Identity

Our client operates in the financial services sector. They wanted something that would show the range of clients they themselves dealt with, which happened to be transport. We produced a short animation that would play on reception screens and that could be sliced up by their marketing department to create further content. Planes, trains, ships, and automobiles!

Children’s Frog Band

Our playful little band were concept art for a children’s television show. Unfortunately these guys didn’t get to make it onto the screen, but they live forever in this show, playing their froggy hearts out.

Elderly Insurance

In this fun animation four old guys show that just because they’re old, they’re not over yet. The characters try to escape from the strictures of life as defined by their younger caregiver, and they’re safe in the knowing they can live life to the fullest as they’re covered by some quality life, car, and contents insurance.

Mask Slot

This cut-out inspired short was used as an introduction for a satirical news show based in the Middle East. Taking inspiration from Yellow Submarine, the Camden music scene, and with Covid making a guest appearance it’s a demonstration of what we can do when given the creative reins.


We made this short bumper for a charity that focuses on children’s education. Taking inspiration from the zeitgeisty corporate Memphis design, we produced a versatile little trailer that is suitable for social media, in-house materials, and other marketing avenues.


A creative little short produced by our lead designer, this dreamy animation showcases one of the many styles we have experience in using for our clients and content.

Baby in a Bin

A 3D piece of work that hints at the fun of travel. Waking up in a bin? Sure why not, the company wanted to capture a sense of adventure with a playful little character involved.